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Excused Absences & Make-ups
Absences will only be excused in instances of illness, official CWRU business, religious observances, or bereavement, and must be documented with a letter from a physician or an appropriate CWRU office (such as University Health Services or Undergraduate Studies). You may ask me for your current attendance record at any time.
Extensions on assignments will be granted only in cases of documented medical or family emergencies; if you must miss class on the day an assignment is due for any other reason, please make arrangements with me ahead of time for submission in order to ensure that you will receive full credit. Please note that technological malfunctions are never a valid excuse for late work—back up your work and have extra ink cartridges handy.
Exams will be given only once: at the time and place stated in the syllabus. Permission to take quizzes and examinations at special times cannot be given except in cases of medical emergency, official CWRU business, religious observance, or bereavement. Make-ups will not be scheduled until appropriate documentation is received—no exceptions.
Communications & Blackboard
All e-mails related to this course will be sent to your CWRU e-mail address; please check this regularly.
This course uses Blackboard, an on-line instructional utility available to students who are properly enrolled in the course. I will post announcements, updates to the syllabus, required readings and assignments, links, videos, and sound files on this site. You are asked to visit it frequently to ensure that you receive time-sensitive announcements and assignments. The URL is: http://blackboard.case.edu.
Academic Integrity
The work you submit in this course must always be your own, and any sources you use must be properly cited. The University’s Academic Integrity Policy may be found at http://studentaffairs.case.edu/office/integrity/policy.html. Students are expected to read and adhere to this policy. The penalty in this course for academic dishonesty is a grade of F on the first plagiarized assignment, which will be calculated as a zero into your final grade, and failure of the course for subsequent infractions. All cases of plagiarism will be reported as prescribed by the Academic Integrity Policy.
Disability Accommodations
I want to make this the best possible learning environment for you. Academic accommodations are available to all students with documented disabilities. In order to receive the assistance for which you may be qualified, please contact Disability Resources (an appointment can be made by visiting ESS in Sears 470, calling the office at 216-368-5230, or e-mailing disability@case.edu). The staff there will verify your needs and help you to inform me of these. We will then work together in a confidential manner to make any reasonable adjustments necessary. In the interest of fairness to all students, accommodations generally cannot be implemented retroactively. Therefore, please be aware that you must contact Disability Resources and provide documentation well before accommodations are needed; it is recommended that you do this at the beginning of the semester to allow time for assessment and arrangement of accommodations.
All of us have different learning styles. Please talk to me as soon as you can about your individual needs for this course. Even if you do not have a documented disability, there are a number of resources and support services available to you through the Department of Music and other campus centers (such as Educational Services for Students, the Writing Center, and University Counseling Services).